International SEO Best Practice

As the digital world becomes more sophisticated, website owners and businesses are now dealing with global audiences. International SEO is essential to enhance your visibility in various markets and make sure that your website is visible worldwide.

Global SEO requires a lot of considerations, ranging from the right keywords, target audience, and cultural differences. SEO specialists who want to take advantage of this opportunity need to implement better SEO techniques to optimize their website for global reach.

1. Understand Your Target Markets

A comprehensive understanding of your target audience enables you to develop strategies beyond language, search engine variations, and typical optimization techniques.

Different countries and cultures have unique preferences and tastes. Therefore, determining cultural and regional differences in online behaviour can significantly affect your SEO efforts.

Your marketing research should include examining relevant cultural preferences, potential search engine results, localised keywords, and customer behaviour.

For example, Japan is well-known for its distinctive website aesthetic. Compared with the Western web design, Japanese website often features a lot of text and the use of various colour.

Coca-Cola website UK vs Japan
As compared to the UK, the Japanese version of Coca-Cola is cluttered with more information and uses more colour.

2. Localise your website content

Invest in hiring a native speaker to professionally translate, localise and write the content to cater to international audiences. Simply using a translation tool doesn’t capture the cultural differences and nuances. 

Using region-specific colloquialisms, cultural references, and even currency help you connect with your audience better and create a comfortable browsing experience.

If you want to expand to the Chinese-speaking market, for example, make sure you understand the difference between Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese – so your content can resonate with the right audience.

Localised content also helps build trust with your target audience and improve user engagement.

3. Use proper hreflang tags

Hreflang tags help you target your website content to specific countries or regions. It ensures that search engines display the right version of your website in relevant geographic areas. This tag tells Google which language your pages are in and which version should display in search results.

A proper hreflang tag implementation can help avoid duplicate content issues, lessen confusion related to multilingual content, and ensure that visitors get the appropriate language version.

4. Optimise your website’s technical SEO

Optimising your website’s technical elements is essential when catering to international audiences. Website speed and performance are critical considerations, particularly for mobile users. A slow-loading or poorly optimized website can be frustrating for visitors and cause high bounce rates.

Consider hosting your website on servers located in the target country to improve load times and SEO rankings.

5. Create and develop user-friendly URLs

User-friendly URLs are essential in international SEO as they enable users to quickly identify the language and location they use. There are 4 different options for structuring your URLs, such as ccTLDs (country code top-level domains), subdomains, or subdirectories. The choice depends on your resources and goals.

Common URL structure for international website

6. International link building

Build local backlinks from reputable websites in the target country. This can improve your site’s authority and search engine rankings. Partnering with local companies, guest posting on relevant blogs, and creating quality content in the local language can help acquire backlinks from reputable sources.

7. Comply with local laws and regulation

Complying with local laws and regulations is crucial when expanding your website’s reach internationally. Ensure that your website does not violate any privacy, copyright, or trademark laws in the target country. This requires implementing additional measures, such as geo-targeting content and providing different shipping options for e-commerce websites.

8. Monitor and analyse performance regularly

Continuously monitor the performance of your international SEO efforts to make necessary adjustments and improvements. Use tools such as Google Analytics to track website traffic, conversions, and search engine rankings in different countries.

This help you identify which strategies are working well and which ones need improvement.


Implementing international SEO strategies is challenging, but the benefits of expanding your business globally make it worth the effort.

Remember to always prioritise quality content and provide a seamless user experience to retain and attract international visitors. With dedication and effort, your website can successfully compete in the global market.

By following these international SEO tips, you can effectively optimise your website for different countries and languages, ultimately leading to increased traffic and conversions.

Aubrey Yung

Aubrey Yung

Aubrey is an SEO Consultant with 5+ years of B2B and B2C marketing experience.